meet the team

Kevin Dette D.C.
I was born and raised in Encinitas California, and grew up surfing and racing motorcycles. After graduating from San Dieguito High School I began my education at UC Santa Cruz where I graduated with a degree in molecular biology. I then went on to Life Chiropractic College West where I graduated Magna Cum Laude in 2001.
After graduation, I returned to Vista and opened my private practice and have been serving here ever since.
Outside of the Office
In 2005 I met my wife Carleigh. She is a weight loss coach helping people achieve greater health through nutrition and weight loss and she holds classes each week in our office.
Carleigh and I had our first child in March of 2010. Savannah Jean Dette was born at home naturally and is amazingly healthy and happy. Our second child Logan Palmer Dette was also born at home in July of 2013. He was 9lb 10 oz of vitality, we are so blessed to have two amazing birth experiences.
Passions and Certifications
I am passionate about helping children, and because I have seen such amazing results in working with mothers and children I completed a post-graduate certification in Chiropractic pediatrics by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. This certification requires 2 years of study exclusively in chiropractic pediatrics and pregnancy.
I am also certified in the Webster Technique. The Webster Technique is a gentle and effective way to balance the pregnant moms pelvis allowing the baby to get into the optimal position for birth.
If you are interested in my qualifications and continued post-graduate education. Please look at my Curriculum Vitae. Continuing education is an important part of staying current and relevant in today’s modern Chiropractic care.
Thank you for visiting. I look forward to meeting you in person and learning how I can help you reach your health goals. Give our office a call, or email me using the link below to arrange a time to discuss how I can help you toward those goals.
Curriculum Vitae
Here is a partial list of courses and certifications Dr. Dette has completed in the past few years. Continued post-graduate education keeps Dr. Dette sharp and on the cutting edge of modern Chiropractic care.
Here is a partial list of courses and certifications Dr. Dette has completed in the past few years. Continued post-graduate education keeps Dr. Dette sharp and on the cutting edge of modern Chiropractic care.
Private Practice, Clinic Director, Pacific Family Chiropractic, Vista CA, 2001-Present
- University of California Santa Cruz – Bachelor of Arts in Biology 1998
- Life West Chiropractic College – Doctor of Chiropractic 2001
- Doctor of Chiropractic, Licensed in the State of California Lic#: DC27980 2001-Present
- Pediatric Certification CACCP – The Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice, 2011
- Whiplash & Brain Injury Traumatology – Spine Research Institute of San Diego, 2015
- X-Ray Arthritis: Provide a practical review of the common arthritis X-ray findings that are seen in a chiropractic practice. Emphasis will be placed on interpretation of signs, differential diagnosis, and case management implications. An emphasis will be placed on the common disorders seen in that region of the spine. Back To Chiropractic, Southern California 2016
- Spine Research Scientific Conference: Review the entire year of scientific research and publication from the diverse fields of clinical medicine and automotive safety engineering, as well as research coming directly from SRISD and its research affiliate, the Center for Research into Automotive Safety and Health. literature indexed by the National Library of Medicine, Annual Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) Scientific Program, the Annual Conference of the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Impact (IRCOBI), the Annual SAE Stapp Car Crash Conference (and SAE general publications), the Annual International Traffic Medicine Association (ITMA) Conference, and the Annual International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). San Diego CA 2013, 2015
- X-Ray Reading: Discussion of the current state of digital radiography. Radiographic signs with a review of pathologic-radiographic correlation, associated conditions, clinical impact, need for additional studies if applicable, and impact on prognosis both short term and long term. Back To Chiropractic, Southern California 2015
- Pediatric Alphabet Soup: The cutting edge approach to a challenging and rapidly increasing population that combines a special blend of chiropractic, functional neurology, occupational therapy and nutritional counseling. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2015
- Pediatric Science: Current statistics of top health issues for adults and children. Traditional drug therapy is reviewed with side effects revealed and alternative chiropractic management with. Special needs children in your practice. Autism statistics. Biomedical protocols; testing, diet and nutrition protocols given. Complementary therapies. Methods to implement these factors into practice. Statistical data and morbidity & mortality rates. Pros and cons for vaccines. Ingredients of vaccines. Inflammation- is it a leading cause behind many disease processes, autoimmune disorders? Back To Chiropractic, Southern California 2014
- Trauma Radiography Series: The Cervical Spine: Study of radiographic imaging of the cervical spine. The rationale for maintaining a high suspicion for spinal cord injury in the trauma patient is clearly discussed. Clear explanations of plain film diagnostic imaging criteria, CT protocols, and is truly a treatise in horizontal beam imaging. Understanding important concepts in trauma imaging of the cervical spine and maintaining spine precautions throughout all radiographic procedures. CE Essentials 2014
- Radiographic Film Critique of the Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spines:Diagnostic Criteria for Imaging the Horizontal Beam Lateral Cervical Spine, the Cervical Spine, the AP Cervical Spine, the Open-mouth Odontoid View of the Cervical Spine, Flexion / Extension Views of the Cervical Spine and the Oblique Views of the Cervical Spine. the AP View of the Thoracic Spine, Lateral View of the Thoracic Spine, the AP and Lateral Views of the lumbosacral Spine. CE Essentials 2014
- Whiplash Injury Biomechanics & Traumatology: “In depth review of the current state of knowledge of the whiplash phenomenon, including all factors affecting injury & outcome. In-depth biomechanics, traumatology, epidemiology, reviews of outcome studies, and common sequelae of whiplash, including brain injuries, pain syndromes, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic pain disorders and risk analysis. Arthur C. Croft. Spine Research Institute of San Diego – Las Vegas NV 2013
- Whiplash Injury Biomechanics & Traumatology: Advanced diagnostics, treatment, and auto crash reconstruction; management principles in personal injury. “Critical history taking & physical examination skills. Radiographic & advanced imaging including CT, MRI, scintigraphy, PET, SPECT, & others. Electrodiagnostic testing & their applications in whiplash. Therapeutic approaches to successful management of whiplash & mild traumatic brain injuries.” Arthur C. Croft. Spine Research Institute of San Diego – Portland OR 2013
- Whiplash Injury Biomechanics & Traumatology: Narrative report writing: Principles of impairment rating and forensic documentation. “Stages of an Injury, Stage Specific Examination, Causal Relationships and Bodily Injury, Permanent Impairment Effects on Persistent Functional Loss, Functional Loss Effects on Work, Social and Personal Capabilities. Comprehensive & compelling narrative report construction. Today’s critical forensic documentation skills & impairment requirements.” Arthur C. Croft. Spine Research Institute of San Diego 2013 – Las Vegas NV 2013
- Whiplash Injury Biomechanics & Traumatology: Medicolegal issues; Fundamentals for practitioners & forensic experts. “Preparing for Depositions, Arbitration, and Court. Use of Demonstrative Evidence and Testifying in the Courtroom.” Arthur C. Croft. Spine Research Institute of San Diego 2013 – Las Vegas NV 2013
- Chiropractic Biophysics Certification Seminars, Study of mechanical engineering principles collectively known as “CERVICAL SPINAL REHABILITATION” of Chiropractic Biophysics. Topics include normal cervical spinal model, cervical traction and protocol, cervical and central nervous system biomechanics, pre and post anterior-posterior and lateral cervical corrections, and mirror image postural adjusting. Hayward CA 2001
- Chiropractic Biophysics Certification Seminars, “Study of mechanical engineering principles collectively known as “THE BASIC” of Chiropractic Biophysics. Topics include normal cervical and lumbar spinal models, rationale for care, evaluation of 3-D global postures, definition of subluxation, X-Ray principles, alignment, reliability, line drawing and recommended views, spinal coupling patterns and projected 2-D images of postures”. Hayward CA 2000
- Perinatal Care and Webster Technique Certification. Techniques and case management for pregnancy, birth & infancy. Hands on demonstrations and application of adjusting techniques in pregnancy and infancy. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2010
- Neuroimmunology: Patterns of Interference. Current immunological research pertaining to the child. Normal immunology and comparison with immunological compromise in the damaged child. Vaccination concepts and controversies. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2010
- Neurosensory Integration. Practical application of neurosensory integration in the chiropractic practice. Includes normal neurological development and neurosensory dysfunction and its association in children with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, and other learning disorders. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2011
- Practical Neurology: Proposed model for VSC and its Clinical Application. All five components of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC) are broken down and discussed in great detail. Causes of the VSC, and it’s neurological implications on the human body are described in a clear and concise manner, giving the doctor a practical understanding of the material. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2011
- Pediatric Short Lever Adjusting. Motion palpation analysis and specific, short lever, gentle adjustments for the child and pregnant mother. Gonstead exam and evaluation procedures. Causes of VSC in the child. Technique demonstration and application: upper cervical in children and side posture in pregnancy. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2011
- The Essentials of a Family Practice. Adaptations & considerations for the child in the chiropractic practice. Addressing parental concerns. Report of Findings. Demonstration of various chiropractic techniques and their application to the pediatric patient. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2010
- Pediatric Adjusting Techniques: Thompson and Logan. Exam procedures. Pediatric analysis and adjustment with emphasis on Thompson, Logan analysis and the tonal model of care. Includes demonstration of Infant Toggle Adjusting and Webster’s Coronal Suture. Hands on application of techniques. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2010
- Research Study Design: Application of current research and its relevance to case management in the family practice. Essentials of the Case Study in design and application. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2010
- Patient Transition to Wellness. Creating the paradigm shift from symptom care to functional health care. Case by case scenarios for the child in the chiropractic practice with objective documentation and management. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2011
- Chiropractic Pediatrics for the Challenged Child. Review of various challenges and specific chiropractic adaptations to the analysis and adjustment of challenges children. Includes 4 hours of hands on technique demonstration and set ups. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2011
- Sacro Occipital Technique Spinal and Cranial. Two 12 hour classes: advanced exam, and adjusting using SOT Protocols for Spinal and Cranial. These modules also serve as Module One and Two for SOT Certification in Pediatrics. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2011
- Practiced Based Research Network project for Certification: Research PBRN I and Research PBRN II. Candidates are involved in collecting data from their practices to contribute towards on-going ICPA/ PBRN projects. A Practiced Based Research Network is a practice contribution of clinical data that the ICPA Research Department compiles and prepares for publication. Research in this format insures that guidelines and practice parameters are consistent with the actual care we offer in our practices. IPCA Post Doctoral Education, Academy of Chiropractic Family Practice and The Council in Chiropractic Pediatrics. 2011
- NIH Certificate of Completion. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural Research certification of the NIH Web-based training course “Protecting Human Research Participants”. Course consists of the National Institute of Health Codes and Regulations, Respect for Persons, Beneficence, and Justice. NIH Office of Extramural Research- 2011
- International Chiropractors Association of California Diverse Seminar.“History taking and examination procedures, Adjustive technique, Ethics and Law, and X-Ray diagnosis. San Diego California, 2012
- Advanced Extremity Adjusting: Deliberate Practice Protocols. A review of the simple adjusting protocols to address the most common subluxation patterns in the feet, knees, hips, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. How to get great results on knees. Expand on the basic extremity adjusting protocols to learn more in depth adjusting techniques including the ribs and TMJ. Foot Levelers Seminars, Orange County CA- 2008
- Life West Chiropractic College. Department of Postgraduate and Continuing education. “Clinical Excellence” San Diego CA, 2007
- Life West Chiropractic College. Department of Postgraduate and Continuing education. “Practice Made Perfect Through Nervous System Restoration” Costa Mesa CA, 2004
- Life West Chiropractic College. Department of Postgraduate and Continuing education. “Practice Made Perfect Through Nervous System Restoration” Costa Mesa CA, 2005
- Parker College of Chiropractic Seminars, Postgraduate Continuing Education Department. “Advanced Chiropractic Principles and Procedures.” Las Vegas NV, 2006
- Advanced Chiropractic Training, “Chiropractic Value through Central Nervous System Restoration” Santa Ana, CA 2009
- Triad Seminars, “The Practice of Chiropractic in the Millennium.” San Diego, CA 2003
- Harvard Medical School, “Influenza in children: Infection, treatment, and prevention“, Boston, MA 2012
- Harvard Medical School, “Pediatric Vaccination: Science Skeptics and Strategies”, Boston, MA 2012
- International Chiropractic Pediatric Association 2010 – present
- Life Chiropractic College West Alumni Association 2001 – present
- CORE Chiropractic Philosophy Group 2002 – present
- California Chiropractic Association 2007 – present
- World Chiropractic Alliance 2002
- International Chiropractic Association 2001
- Deputy Sheriff Association Chiropractor 2003 – present
- Vista Chamber of Commerce 2003 – present
- Vista Village Business Association – Board Member 2003-2006
- Children’s Health Day – Charity Fundraiser Host 2007
- Kid’s Day America – Charity Fundraiser Host 2004-2006

9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Pacific Family Chiropractic
123 Main St
Vista, CA 92084
We Are Located Near The Corner of S. Santa Fe and Main Street in Historic Downtown Vista CA.